Arizona Coyotes' Ambitious Plan for New Arena and Entertainment District in Phoenix
The Arizona Coyotes are poised to embark on an ambitious journey, one that could redefine entertainment and sports facilities in Phoenix, if not the wider region. At the heart of their ambitious plan is the acquisition of a 110.06-acre site in Phoenix, setting the stage for a state-of-the-art arena and entertainment district. However, securing this prime real estate hinges on a crucial event: a public auction set for June 27, where the Coyotes must emerge victorious.

A Vision for the Future

Under the steadfast leadership of Chairman Alex Meruelo, the Coyotes are not just aiming to lay down the foundation for a new home. They are committed to creating a vibrant, multifaceted entertainment hub that stands as a testament to innovation and community engagement. Importantly, Meruelo has made a pioneering commitment to developing the district without dipping into taxpayer funds, a move that underscores a new direction in the financing of sports facilities. The proposed development is ambitious in scope. Apart from a 17,000-seat arena that would serve as the Coyotes' new den, the plans include a concert venue poised to attract global music acts, along with other amenities designed to draw in crowds year-round. This venture is set to unfold on land appraised at $68.5 million, with a starting bid at the auction pegged at the same amount and increments of $100,000.

Economic Impact and Job Creation

The economic implications of such a development are profound. Projections suggest the project could inject $15.5 billion into the local economy over a span of 30 years, a staggering figure that speaks to the transformative potential of the district. Moreover, the construction phase alone is expected to create 10,800 jobs, with 3,500 permanent positions becoming available upon completion. In addition to the 17,000-seat arena, the development blueprint includes the construction of 1,900 apartments and over 400,000 square feet of commercial space. This blend of residential and commercial elements is poised to foster a thriving community within the district, ensuring its vibrancy extends beyond game days and special events.

Funding and Infrastructure

Financing such an extensive project is no small feat. The total cost is estimated at $1 billion, a figure that the Coyotes plan to meet through private investments and sponsorship deals. This approach aligns with Meruelo's vision of the arena and entertainment district as a privately funded endeavor, a first of its kind in Arizona. While the financial plan for the development itself is clear, there are additional considerations concerning infrastructure. The city of Phoenix has laid out public infrastructure obligations tied to the project, with further infrastructure expenses estimated at approximately $80 million. These costs are essential for ensuring the district is well-integrated into the broader urban fabric, providing seamless access and enhancing the overall experience for visitors.

Historic Significance and Community Engagement

As the Coyotes gear up for the auction, there is a palpable sense of anticipation among fans and stakeholders. Coyotes President and CEO Xavier A. expressed excitement about the project's prospects, emphasizing its potential to serve as a historic development for the franchise and its supporters. In the words of Alex Meruelo, the project is more than just a new venue for hockey games; it is an opportunity to create a landmark that fosters community and generates lifelong memories. This vision of the entertainment district as a gathering place for fans and families alike underscores the broader impact of such developments, extending beyond sports to touch the lives of residents and visitors.


As the June 27 auction draws near, the Arizona Coyotes stand at the threshold of a new era. With plans for a 17,000-seat arena and a vibrant entertainment district that promises to bring jobs, economic growth, and community engagement, the project represents a bold step forward. It is a vision rooted in the belief that sports franchises can play a pivotal role in shaping cities, fostering community pride, and driving economic developmentā€”all without burdening taxpayers. As Alex Meruelo and his team prepare to make their bid, the excitement and anticipation are palpable, with the promise of creating a lasting legacy for the Coyotes and the city of Phoenix.